Christmas Service Times 2024

You are very welcome to join us at our services over the Christmas period, as we remember and celebrate God’s gift to us in his son Jesus!

– Sunday 22nd Dec: 10:00 AM, followed by lunch together

– Wednesday 25th Dec (Christmas Day): 9:00 AM

The above services will be available both in-person and streamed on Zoom.

We look forward to celebrating with you all, and hope that you have a wonderful Christmas!


Christmas Service Times 2023

You are very welcome to join us at our services over the Christmas period, as we remember and celebrate God’s gift to us in his son Jesus!

Christmas Eve service (Sunday 23rd Dec): 10am
Christmas Day service (Monday 25th Dec): 9am
New Year’s Eve service (Sunday 31st Dec): 10am

The above services will be available both in-person and streamed on Zoom.

If you are feeling at all unwell on the day, we ask that you would please join us via the Zoom video stream rather than attending in person, in order to show love and care for others and those at risk in our community.

We look forward to celebrating with you all, and hope that you have a wonderful Christmas!


Easter Service Times 2023

You are very welcome to join us for our special services this Easter!

Good Friday (7th April): 9am
Easter Sunday (9th April): 10am

(Note that the Good Friday service will be an hour earlier than our usual Sunday services, at 9am instead of 10am)

The services will be available both in-person and streamed on Zoom.

Christmas Service Times 2022

You are very welcome to join us at our services over the Christmas period, as we remember and celebrate God’s gift to us in his son Jesus:

Friday 23rd Dec: Free BBQ Dinner at 5:30pm, Community Carols service at 7pm
Christmas Day service (Sunday 25th Dec): 9am
New Years Day service (Sunday 1st Jan): 10am

Please note that our carols service is on Friday 23rd this year instead of Christmas Eve, as another church (Soul Revival Ryde) holds their service in our buildings on a Saturday afternoon. If you wish to attend a service on Christmas Eve specifically, we are sure that the Soul Revival team would also be glad to welcome you.

The above services will be available both in-person and streamed on Zoom.

Hand sanitiser and disposable masks are available in the church foyer for your use. If you are feeling at all unwell on the day, we ask that you would please join us via the Zoom video stream rather than attending in person, in order to show love and care for others and those at risk in our community.


Easter Service Times 2022

You are very welcome to join us for our special services this Easter:

Good Friday (15th April): 10am
Easter Sunday (17th April): 10am

The services will be available both in-person and streamed on Zoom.

We appreciate your help in maintaining social distancing, and both hand sanitiser and disposable masks are available in the foyer for your use. If you are unwell on the day or do not feel comfortable meeting in person, we would love you to still join us through the video stream on Zoom.

Christmas Service Times 2021

You are very welcome to join us at this holiday period at our services on Christmas Day and Boxing Day, as we remember and celebrate God’s gift to us in his son Jesus:

Christmas Day (Saturday 25th): 9am
Boxing Day (Sunday 26th): 10am

The services will be available both in-person and streamed on Zoom. For those attending in person, We will be following the precautions of our COVID-safe plan.

We appreciate your help in maintaining social distancing, and both hand sanitiser and disposable masks are available in the foyer for your use. If you are feeling at all unwell on the day, we ask that you would please join us via the Zoom video stream rather than attending in person, in order to show love and care for others and those at risk in our community.

As the COVID-19 situation in Sydney is developing at the moment, we will update this page if there are any changes to service plans.

Easter Service Times 2021

You are very welcome to join us for our special services this Easter:

Good Friday (2nd April): 10am
Easter Sunday (4th April): 10am

(Note that Easter Sunday is also the end of daylight savings time, so remember to put your clocks back 1 hour on Saturday night.)

The services will be available both in-person and streamed on Zoom. For those attending in person, We will be following the precautions of our COVID-safe plan.

We appreciate your help in maintaining social distancing, and both hand sanitiser and disposable masks are available in the foyer for your use. If you are unwell on the day or do not feel comfortable meeting in person, we would love you to still join us through the video stream on Zoom.

Christmas Service Times 2020

You are very welcome to join us at this holiday period at our services on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, as we remember and celebrate God’s gift to us in his son Jesus:

Christmas Eve: 7pm
Christmas Day: 9am

The services will be available both in-person and streamed on Zoom. For those attending in person, We will be following the precautions of our COVID-safe plan.

We appreciate your help in maintaining social distancing, and both hand sanitiser and disposable masks are available in the foyer for your use. If you are unwell on the day or do not feel comfortable meeting in person, we would love you to still join us through the video stream on Zoom.

As the COVID-19 situation in Sydney is developing at the moment, we will update this page if there are any changes to service plans.

Easter Service Times 2020

We are holding two services over Easter via Zoom video conferencing this year, both of which you are very welcome to join us in!

Good Friday (10th April) – 7:00pm
Easter Sunday (12th April) – 10:00am

To join us, click this link when those times come and you’ll be brought to the service. For more information about connecting via Zoom and about connecting with our regular Sunday services, see our COVID-19 update post.

 easter at rpc