Are you caught up with the task of personal management, or are you investing in personal leadership? This can be the difference between surviving and thriving. God does not want us to just manage what he has given us (though this is still important). God wants us to be creative, passionate, and productive with what he has given us.
We see this clearly in the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30). We are not to simply manage what we are given, but instead God wants us to step out of our comfort zone. He wants us to step into relationships and love. He wants us to step up to what is most important, and ultimately what we were designed for. His glory.
As the parable suggest, our view of God will influence how we do this (verses 24-25). To move forward in life; to be able to see when and where we can invest in others is to be in a place where we can give of ourselves. We need to be able to tap into a Heavenly Father who sows where he will not reap, who is not a hard task master, but one who offers a light load for those who follow him (Matthew 11:28-30).
May we all be moving from personal management to personal leadership today!
– Dave